Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Presidents should be Parents First

Several years ago, during one of those meetings of the major economic powers of Europe and the United States, it was noted that most of the European leaders were childless.  Not just a couple of them but most of them had no kids.  Never even tried to have kids.  How strange.  One might ask, What does that matter?  If you have kids, you have a stake in the future.  You don't want to enjoy the party for yourself and leave an absolute mess for your kids.  But if you have no kids, what do you care?

Angela Merkel had no children.  She also opened the floodgates for migrants who were not the best fit for Germany.  With no investment in Germany's future, she was willing to make changes with little concern for the longterm consequences.

Kamala Harris is childless.  Sure, she has a step-daughter through her husband, but that's not the same thing.  A parent looks at the landscape being left for their children and grandchildren.  A politician looks at the next election.  The childless politicians of Europe have set the continent on a downward spiral with a crashing fertility rate and a rapidly expanding foreign population that has no desire to be British, French, German, or any other flavor of European.  No need to go down that path.

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