Sunday, August 11, 2024

Space Adventure Cobra (1982)

Jane Flower is a bounty hunter.  She has just taken the head of a particularly valuable bounty when a strange man starts following her.  He claims to know where to find the biggest bounty of them all.  Is that so?  Yes, he knows where to find Cobra.  "But Cobra is dead!"

"No, I've just been in hiding," Cobra explains.  Cobra is a confident, charismatic man of action.  He always has a cigar in his mouth, a smile on his face, and a twinkle in his eye.  Rather than try to capture him for his bounty, Jane falls immediately in love with him.  Of course.  Jane is one of the last of her race and has a prophecy on the cusp of fulfillment.  She must find love and return to Myras, the planet without a star.  But first, she must free her sister.  After some lovemaking with Cobra, she recruits him to rescue her sister from a maximum-security prison.  "How will I recognize her?"

"She looks just like me.  We're triplets."

"Don't you mean twins?"

"No.  I have another sister who also looks like me."

Cobra has a huge ship that is crewed by himself and his sexy android, Lady.  From here, it is a tour of the galaxy as Cobra fights star fighters, skeletons, killer robots, snow guerrillas, and the big boss, Crystal Boy.  Guns are useless against Cobra as he dodges every shot.  He has two primary weapons: his revolver and his psychogun, which is an alternate form of his left hand.  How does that work?

Some of the artwork is clearly inspired by Heavy Metal (1981) since Jane looks surprisingly like Taarna, the bikini-clad swordswoman.  Likewise, she gets naked a lot, though this is often done without the details; just smooth skin.  Some scenes are inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey.  There are psychedelic scenes that show the triplets are connected to the universe in a strange way.

The story is weak, but the action is plentiful.  It is never boring.  Just okay.

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