Saturday, August 24, 2024

Time Bandits (1981)

Kevin (Craig Warnock) is a boy fascinated by history.  After bed one night, a mounted knight burst from his wardrobe, leapt over his bed, and galloped down a tree-lined path.  What?  Kevin's father appeared moments later to demand Kevin go to sleep and not make so much noise.  There was no sign of the knight's passage.  The following night, Kevin was prepared; he had a camera and a flashlight.  He awoke to find six dwarves emerging from the wardrobe.  They were soon followed by a disembodied head that demanded they "Return what you have stolen from me!"  Caught up in the rush, Kevin plunges into a time hole with the dwarves.

The dwarves have a map - which they stole - that shows where holes in time exist, allowing them to travel time and plunder the best stuff.  Their leader is Randall (David Rappaport).  Fidgit (Kenny Baker) is the nice one, Og (Mike Edmonds) is the dumb one, Wally (Jack Purvis) is the angry one, Strutter (Malcolm Dixon) is four foot one, and Vermin (Tiny Ross) eats whatever is at hand.

1796 Italy.  Kevin tried to flee from the dwarves only to run into French cavalry.  Soon, they encounter Napoleon (Ian Holm) who, being sensitive about his height, eagerly recruits the dwarves as his new generals.  They use the opportunity to steal all the plunder and escape through another time hole.

Middle Ages England.  Finding themselves captured by ruffians, Randall convinces them that they too are ruffians and want to join the gang.  It turns out these are Robin Hood's (John Cleese) men!  Robin is most pleased with all the treasure they have brought and commence to redistribute it to the poor.  Once again forced to flee from the disembodied head, they find two gates.  Kevin goes through one that quickly closes, separating him from the dwarves.

Ancient Greece.  Kevin falls upon a Greek warrior who is battling a minotaur.  The Greek warrior proves to be King Agamemnon (Sean Connery) and Kevin quickly grows attached and even becomes his adoptive son and chosen successor!  But the dwarves have not forgotten Kevin and come to rescue him from his peril and steal some booty while they're at it!

In the Age of Legends, Kevin and the dwarves face an ogre, a giant, and finally Evil incarnate.  All their adventures had led to this point, as Evil (David Warner) lured them there to steal the map.  With the map, he will change all of creation!

I originally saw this movie when it was released.  We were spending the weekend in Palm Desert and my mother dropped my brother and I at the theater to see this.  Great fun.  I've seen it several times over the years and have always enjoyed it.  Highly recommended.

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