Sunday, August 4, 2024

UK in Flames

Three British girls were killed by an immigrant and the dam burst.  The UK has been flooded with immigrants who are not assimilating, and the ruling class has accused the native population of bigotry for voicing any opposition to the continued immigration.  In fact, one of the most strident voices against this, Tommy Robinson, has been jailed for his reporting on sexual predators who happen to be of Pakistani descent.  The message is clear: shut up while your betters change the demographics of England.  All the votes that have sought to stem this tide of immigration have been ignored by both the Torries and Labor.  Muslims dance in the streets with knives and sabers while the police arrest a girl for observing that a police officer looked like a lesbian.  You see, it would look racist to enforce the law on immigrants, so the police are extra harsh on whites to make up for it.

The incompatibility of the recent immigrants with the longstanding British culture is beyond obvious. Much of Europe is committing cultural suicide by importing cultures that their ancestors fought tooth and nail to keep out of Europe.  Europe abandoned Christianity and thought it would end religious clashes.  No, it was more akin to unilateral disarmament.  The other side is still committed to its religion, and you will be assimilated to it!

In the last 2 decades, nearly 100 British citizens have been killed by Muslims while no Muslims have been killed by native British.  Of course, Prime Minister Starmer has promised to protect the Muslims.  Short of civil war, much of Europe is toast.  The votes have proved repeatedly meaningless and the government, despite promises to cut back on immigration, have more often allowed it to accelerate.  Luckily, the British have disarmed the citizens, so there is little risk to the government.

Correction: The 17-year-old killer was born in the UK, but his parents are apparently immigrants.  It was widely believed he was an immigrant during the riots/protests.  As the killer is still a minor, details are being withheld, thus the confusion.  Is he Muslim?  I can find no news reporting one way or another.

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