Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Rule of Law on the Brink

The evidence is overwhelming that Hillary Clinton funneled classified and top secret documents through an unsecure, non-governmental private server.  Why?  Why would she do something so reckless?  First, by having a private server, she has considerably more control over her emails.  Sure, anything she sent to a government address would be backed up by government servers and saved for posterity.  However, those she sent to non-government addresses would be less easily traced.  Was that a bug or a feature of the private server?  Hillary admitted deleting 30,000 emails, which she claimed were not related to her Secretary of State duties.  How do we know?  We have only her word for it.

Many computer security experts have claimed that it is virtually certain that Hillary's server was accessed by Russia, China, and probably even Iran.  Might Russian adventurism have been a result of their reading her emails and knowing how far the administration was willing to go to stop Russia?  It should be noted that in the late 40s, a map was generated in the US that showed where we would fight communist pushes and Korea was not included; the Korean War followed.  Iran has skunked us in the Iran Nuclear Deal; did they have access to Hillary's emails and know our strategy?  The deal could hardly have been more in their favor.  Of course, this is just conjecture but Hillary's use of a private server made such hacking more likely.
Even Hillary's supporters must know she is unethical.  Recall that she somehow turned $1,000 into $100,000 in cattle futures trading in only 10 months during her husband's first stint as governor.  Anyone else with that kind of investing acumen would switch professions.  Hillary never did it again.  For years, she was in the vanguard protecting Bill from sexual harassment accusations but is now saying women have a right to be believed.  The Clinton Foundation was an obvious and ongoing conflict of interest while she was at State; her husband is getting millions of dollars from countries with business before the State Dept.  Anyone other than the Clintons and the press would have howled about payoffs, kickbacks, and bribery.
Laws only apply to Republicans.  Democrats are above the law.  Hillary is unlikely to be indicted despite a mountain of evidence.  As such, the rule of law is almost dead.  We have moved on to the rule of power.


Hicsum said...

Yes, the emails are a valid issue:

Even Bernie is starting to think those emails may matter after all.

Hicsum said...

Here's a good article on the question of Hillary's emails as regards national security:

Hicsum said...

Stefan Molyneux goes through the Hillary email scandal from start to finish, demonstrating that it should be a very big deal: