Friday, June 7, 2024

Not a Vaccine!

The 9th Circuit Court has ruled that the "COVID vaccine" is not a vaccine.  A vaccine is something that prevents the spread of a disease, which this did not do.  In fact, it was admitted that it was merely a treatment to lessen the severity of symptoms.  Yeah, tell me something I didn't already know.  Okay, the "vaccine" was given legal protection from lawsuits as a vaccine, not a treatment.  Though there is judicial history approving forced vaccination for the benefit of all, there is no such history requiring a certain treatment for one's own benefit.  Ergo, the legal protections against lawsuits has just collapsed.  At least, until the Supreme Court weighs in on the question.  Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, et al. may be in serious legal jeopardy if this ruling holds.

In any case, the next 'pandemic' will not see the populace quite so willing to follow the 'experts' recommendations.  In a recent podcast (EconTalk), Vinay Prasad - UC San Francisco Epidemiologist - explained how the overhyping of the mRNA 'vaccines' has negatively impacted faith in medical professionals to the degree that vaccination rates in general have fallen.  The mishandling of Covid has sown distrust that will take many years to undo.  This is the boy who cried pandemic and now no one will believe when the real pandemic arrives unless bodies start piling up in the streets.

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Abraham Lincoln

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