Sunday, June 30, 2024

Gaul is Divided in Three Parts

In the French elections, the 'right-wing' party has won.  This is reported as the first round.  Do the votes change in the second round?  Is this like an American primary?  Whatever the case, the National Party carried 34% of the votes.  In second place is the New Popular Front with 29%.  Macron's Together Party secured 3rd place with 21% of the vote. Much like the election process, I'm not all that familiar with the political factions of France.  However, one thing did catch my eye.  The second-place party, the New Popular Front, is listed as "far-left Pro-Islam."  Can that be right?  Almost a third of France is in favor of a religion that will wipe out French culture?   Also, how far left does one have to be for France to label your party as "far-left?"  Yeah, this is the party that has the Marxists, the communists, environmentalists, socialists, and a surprising number of autonomy parties.  Apparently, Brittany, Martinique, Corsica, and others want autonomy; looking for a Frexit?

Will the National Party be able to assemble a coalition government with the Together Party, the one that appears closest to it on the right-left scale?  How far right would that move the needle? Will France be able to reverse the demographic collapse that is coming?  The French aren't having kids, but the immigrants are.  Worse, the French are paying for the immigrants to have kids.  A growing number of French citizens are seeing this impending doom and, since the Together Party hasn't solved it, they are going to try the 'far-right' party.  Exciting times ahead.

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