Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Trouncing, Part 2

I have viewed Joe Biden as unqualified from the beginning.  As such, his performance wasn't a shock to me.  Most of my news sources have revealed his plentiful gaffes, his difficulties with keeping his train of thought, his spaced-out expression, and so forth.  Coming into the debate with that viewpoint, I was not at all surprised.  However, for those who have been watching the mainstream media, which has continually reported that Biden was at the top of his game, a sharp cookie behind closed doors, a man with purpose and vision, the debate came as a shock.  His diminished capacity has been intentionally hidden by the very people who are supposed to inform the public.  This was a huge blow to the trustworthiness of the media, an institution that is already at record lows for trustworthiness.

It is clear that Joe Biden is not making the decisions in the White House.  We have a repeat of President Wilson's last year in office.  Is Jill Biden the true president, as Edith Wilson was from October 1919 until March 1921?  Or are there other actors?  It sure isn't Joe Biden.

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