Saturday, June 29, 2024

Megamind (2010)

As the story opens, Megamind (Will Ferrell) plummets toward the ground and his imminent death.  As he falls, he ponders his life.  Like Superman, he was sent to Earth as a baby during the destruction of his planet.  He was not the only one.  Metro Man was simultaneously sent to earth during the destruction of a different planet.  While Metro Man was raised by wealthy adoptive parents, Megamind was raised in the local prison. As kids, Megamind and Metro Man attended the same school for a time and became rivals.  Once he was an adult, Megamind embraced a career as a supervillain!  Of course, he had no powers beyond being a genius.  Despite his genius, Metro Man defeated him again and again, sending him back to prison for the next clash.

In his latest scheme, he has once again kidnapped Roxanne Richi (Tina Fey), a standard tactic that always lures Metro Man to certain doom. Well, ideally it would be his doom, but usually not.  Metro Man is not the only opponent for Megamind.  There is also Tighten (Jonah Hill), a hero that Megamind created with his genius. Oh, that may not have been wise.

It is easy to see the similarities of Metro Man to Superman, Roxanne to Lois Lane, and Megamind to Lex Luthor.  Metro Man is more of a showman than Superman, eagerly pumping up his fans in a display of his powers at the grand opening of his museum.  Likewise, Megamind stalks the streets of Metro City with a soundtrack playing, often dancing to the tune.

Ferrell is often hit or miss with his characters.  Megamind is a definite hit.  He is great in the role, which is several roles thanks to his disguise watch.  That Megamind has a character arc that few supervillains are ever given was quite entertaining.

Great popcorn fun.  Highly recommended.

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