Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A Pardon is Not Amnesty

According to the Washington Times, "law abiding undocumented immigrants" are going to lobby President Obama for pardons to inoculate them from what Trump might do come January.  Let's say he does.  He pardons 750,000 Dreamers on January 20th, a few hours before he leaves office.  Congratulations, your illegal presence in the United States up to that point is hereby forgiven.  However, if you are still in the United States on the 21st, you are again illegally in the United States.  Illegal immigrants commit their crime every day.
Obama's Dreamer faux-amnesty was achieved through executive action and can thus be abolished via executive action.  I did get a laugh out of the 'law abiding' descriptor for people who broke immigration law.  These oxymoronic euphemisms are both tragic and hilarious.  Of course, replacing 'undocumented immigrant' with the far more accurate term of trespasser would undermine the phrase; law abiding trespassers just doesn't work as well.

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