Sunday, November 6, 2016

Case Closed Again!

Once again, FBI Director Comey has cleared Hillary Clinton of any wrongdoing.  There were those who said that Comey reopened the investigation just to take all the attention away from the waves of WikiLeaks emails.  That he closes the investigation 2 days before the elections sure seems to confirm that idea.  There is no way that 650,000 emails were reviewed in a week.

The fact that classified data found its way to a private server is a crime.

The fact that Huma Abedin claimed to have returned all devices that might have the emails while we can obviously see she didn't is a crime.  Scooter Libby was charged with perjury when what he told the FBI didn't match the facts.  Comey himself sent Martha Stewart away for this.

The fact that emails were recovered that had not been provided to either the State Department or the FBI is a crime.

That the DOJ has charged NO ONE with any crime in this demonstrates corruption.  There wasn't even a scapegoat like Web Hubbell, Jim & Susan McDougal, or Johnny Chung.  This time there were crimes without criminals.  Kind of like when 900 FBI files showed up in the White House during Bill Clinton's tenure but no one was charged with anything.  Ah, feels like old times.

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