Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Silver Linings

America managed to dodge catastrophe only to crash into disaster.  Still, there are some silver linings from this dark cloud of an election year.

1. The Clinton Dynasty is done.  Though it is possible that Chelsea will make a run at some future date, both Bill and Hillary are going to retire to private life.  That neither of them holds public office means that the Clinton Foundation will see its funding evaporate.  Without the play, there will be a lot less pay.

2. The Bush Dynasty was foiled.  If there is one thing Trump did for which I am truly grateful is that he crushed JEB!  These dynastic families are a threat to the country.  The growth of an elite establishment in Washington, DC is strengthened by these dynastic families.  Sadly, JEB's son, George P Bush, is currently Texas Land Commissioner and doubtless on a path toward higher political office.  They're like roaches.

3. The adversarial press is back.  Where Obama and Hillary have had a largely fawning media, Trump will have to endure a hostile media.  I like that.  Yes, the media remains biased but I am much happier when the media is biased against government rather than for it.  If Trump's Secretary of State tries a private email server, there will be hell to pay immediately.  If the IRS starts targeting MoveOn.Org or the Huffington Post, the media will rightly demand investigations and firings; they will not be satisfied with early retirements and 5th Amendment invocations.  The president should not have a comfortable relationship with the media.

4. The Rule of Law is valid again.  This is related to the adversarial press but also applies to the Democrats.  When the rule of law was an impediment, the Democrats flouted it.  Now that it can be a cudgel to be used on the ruling Republicans, the Democrats are going to call for respecting the laws.
5. No more excuses for the Republicans.  Though not a Republican myself, I generally side with them on most issues.  The Republicans have had a string of victories since Obama's election and have somehow failed to capitalize on any of them.  The 2010 retaking of the House led to... nothing.  They couldn't do anything without the Senate.  Right.  Have you guys read the Constitution?  Apparently not.  In 2014, the Republicans captured the Senate which led to... nothing.  They couldn't do anything without the Presidency.  Seriously?  You really need to read the Constitution.  Now they have the Presidency, the Senate, and the House.  Implement some of that stuff you promised back in 2010.
6. Speaking of past promises, Obamacare repeal!  Obama promised that my premiums would drop $2500 a year and I could keep my plan.  Neither of those came to pass.  In fact, my costs went up.  Repeal Obamacare and don't replace it.  Let the market work.  Government regulations always drive prices up and make it harder to innovate.
Yes, it's bad but it's not all bad.

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