Thursday, November 3, 2016

Those Who Know Most Oppose Clinton

This article and Julian Assange's repeated claims that he did not get the emails from the Russians tends to support the idea that the FBI is leaking like a sieve.  The FBI has spent over a year on the e-mail fiasco and, as we are now learning, has an on-going investigation into the Clinton Foundation which has been accused of being a pay-for-play route to the State Department.  If it really is the FBI, that is not something the Clinton campaign want known and thus they are pushing hard on the Russia angle.  Why?  If Russia is releasing the emails, it can be viewed as a foreign power trying to influence a US election.  The contents of the emails are irrelevant.  What is important is foiling a foreign plot!  However, if it is the FBI that is leaking, there is no easy way to spin that.  How many movies have there been where an investigator is told to join the cover-up to rescue some bigwig but instead blows the lid by leaking the story to the press?  And that's the movie currently playing on the national stage.
Those most familiar with the case against Clinton are launching attack after attack to sink her candidacy.

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