Tuesday, November 1, 2016


I saw this video and had a WTF reaction.  Coup?  Counter coup?  What?  Sounds like tinfoil hat crackpottery.  Still, he has an authority about him that is not typical of crackpots.  Turns out this guy has a long history of government service in the State Department, as a hostage negotiator, psych warfare, and so forth.  He speaks Russian, Spanish, and French.  PhD from MIT.  Impressive resume.  This can't be real, can it?
One thing that really caught me was when he said that the FBI was feeding emails to WikiLeaks.  There have been rumblings for quite a while that agents were furious that Comey failed to recommend indictment of Hillary Clinton.  A simple remedy would be to leak the evidence to WikiLeaks, which Pieczenik is stating was done.  But that is hardly of note compared to the whole of what he had to say.  The entire government has been corrupted to the point that a coup might take place.  Really?
Probably a kernel of truth in here - namely the FBI providing material to WikiLeaks - but currently taking the rest with a handful of salt.

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