Saturday, November 5, 2016

Democratic Primary as Scripted as Professional Wrestling?

The latest email to be revealed shows Robby Mook of the Clinton campaign suggesting that a signal be sent to Bernie Sanders to knock it off with his attacks.  After all, the Clinton campaign had 'leverage' on him.  This is from May of 2015!  If Hillary had 'leverage' against Bernie that would blunt his attacks on her and the DNC was clearly favoring Hillary throughout the primaries, blackmailed Bernie never stood a chance.  And he knew he didn't stand a chance.  He was the Washington Generals to Hillary's Harlem Globetrotters.  The outcome had already been determined in 2015, if not earlier.  The Democrats don't trust the voters, even their own.
Of course, this yet again demonstrates that the Democrats are better at political intrigue than the Republicans.  The Republicans wanted to do they same thing only their chosen candidate was JEB!  However, Trump came along and stomped on their plans.  Even their secondary candidate (Marco Rubio) and their final desperation candidate (Ted Cruz) failed to stand before Trump.  A surprising amount of Republican stalwarts are among the Never Trumpers.
Looking at that, which party had an honest primary and which was fixed from the start?  What does that tell us about that two candidates?  What does this tell us about Democrats?  What does it tell us about Republicans?  If so many were willing to use underhanded means (blackmail rival), get insider information (Donna Brazile and the debate questions), and engage in vote fraud (Project Veritas videos), why doubt those same tactics would be used in the general election?

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