Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Getting Rid of Secretary DeVos

Betsy DeVos won confirmation today on the barest of margins.  In fact, prior to Harry Reid's nixing the filibuster, there is no way she could have been confirmed.  One must always consider that the other side is going to benefit from such innovations.  Ms. DeVos is noted for championing charter schools and vouchers as an alternative to the demonstrably mediocre public school system.  This is a threat to teachers' unions throughout the country.  With all efforts to stop her from getting the job having failed, maybe now is the time to really go nuclear: Abolish the Department of Education.

Today, Thomas Massie of Kentucky proposed a bill that would shutter the Department of Education on December 31, 2018.  Created in 1980, US students have seen gains in math but losses in verbal skills.  SAT scores were 502/492 when DOE began and rose all the way to 494/508.  That's below the 1972 scores of 530/509, which predate DOE.  It is a money pit, like most federal departments.  Though the intentions were great, the results don't justify the cost.  Let's close up shop and say good bye to Secretary DeVos!  I approve this method of removing Ms. DeVos from government.

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