Saturday, February 11, 2017

One China Policy

I've seen a couple of reports on how Trump agreed to honor the One China policy during a phone conversation with President Xi.  The tone of the story is that Trump's a chump, a novice, and a dope who has been set straight by people who understand international relations.  The man who is famed for The Art of the Deal was rolled.  Not buying it.  Trump got something for that concession.  To be totally cynically, he might have been guaranteed a great plot of land in Beijing for a future Trump hotel but there was a quid pro quo.  To give an example, it took decades before we learned that JFK agreed to dismantle US missiles in Turkey to resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis.  The Cuban Missile Crisis was a Russian victory, where they gave up something they didn't have in exchange for something we had already deployed.  What did Xi give up to solidify the One China policy?

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