Saturday, February 4, 2017

Identify the Fascist

During the recent excitement at Berkeley, there was a clash of opinion that turned violent.  One party is accusing the other party of being fascist while claiming the title of 'anti-fascist.'  Can you find the anti-fascist?

Option 1: A gay, Jewish immigrant with a black boyfriend was on campus for a scheduled speech.

Option 2: Protestors who oppose the views that will be expressed in said speech detonated home-made explosives, shattered windows, and lit property on fire.
Yes, Option 2 was obviously the correct choice.  Some microaggressions - like inappropriate opinions - entirely justify retaliatory macroaggressions.  To prevent such speakers from being heard, it is often necessary to use extreme measures.
It is amazing how violent and/or destructive these leftist movements keep proving to be.  Occupy Wall Street was a cesspool of litter, vandalism, and rape.  Those who protested at Trump's inauguration set fire to a limo and shattered windows at various businesses. The Women's March even had a speaker pondering the destruction of the White House.  Fascist means to anti-fascist end?

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