Thursday, February 16, 2017

Repeal Deceit

During the Obama Presidency, the Republican Congress managed to pass Obamacare repeal bills multiple times.  In January of last year, a bill made it through the House and the Senate.  It landed on Obama's desk where he vetoed it.  Where is that bill?  Why not brush that off and send it to the White House?  How difficult is that?  The fact that someone at the end of Pennsylvania Avenue will actually sign it is why they haven't done it.  They were fearless when Obama was sure to veto but now they balk.  Those previous bills were nothing but fodder for the rubes back home.  They were gaming their voters, calling for repeal when there was no hope but hesitating when victory is at hand.  In truth, they never wanted it repealed.  Their actions have exposed their words as hollow.  Distrust politicians always.
To provide cover to the exposed charlatans, Democratic operatives are flooding Republican townhalls and making a scene about Obamacare.  See, the voters don't want us a to repeal it.  Let's not be hasty in repealing it.  Maybe we can repair it.  Once government has seized power over a sector, it is loath to surrender it.
What is interesting is that the point of the ACA is to collapse.  Ideally, Hillary would be president and be able to proclaim that private insurance companies were too greedy and caused the collapse so now a complete government takeover would be required.  Maybe we can implement the Cuban healthcare system.  So, repeal or not, it is crumbling.  With Trump having ordered the IRS to relax enforcement of the 'tax' portion of the law, the individual mandate is at an end.  Perhaps the spineless Republicans want to wait for the collapse without having cast any votes.  It is one thing to watch as the Leaning Tower of Pisa falls over but something different if you gave it a push.

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