Saturday, February 25, 2017

Method to his Madness?

Here is what may be a very insightful article by Charles Krauthammer.  Donald Trump has been doing deals for decades.  He has spent years piecing together complicated land deals, navigating building codes and gambling licensing in multiple states, interacting with fellow billionaires, lobbying government, and playing golf with the powerful and influential.  He wrote The Art of the Deal!  Moreover, he somehow convinced enough people to vote for him to win the presidency.  At this point, it would be foolish to think all of this was just happenstance, that he didn't have some terrific skills at doing deals, be they for the purpose of building a casino in Atlantic City or becoming President of the United States.  Krauthammer is onto something here, especially with the good cop-bad cop analogy.  Trump can play the mad king (hopefully he isn't really a mad king) and send out his sober minions to assure everyone that they have things under control but it would be helpful if some changes were made to assuage him.
Has Trump simply imported his business tactics to politics?  When Tiger Woods brought true athleticism to golf, he changed the game.  Has Trump done that for politics?  Yes, I think he has.  Of course, like Tiger, he would need to be successful for his innovations to really spread and change the political landscape.

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