Friday, February 10, 2017

When Harassing a Woman is Appropriate?

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos tried to go to a DC school today but a crowd of protestors blocked the entrance and then started berating her as she retreated to her vehicle.  One cried 'Shame' repeatedly like he was playing a scene out of Game of Thrones.  Even after she was in the car and attempting to drive away, the successful 'shamer' stepped in front of the vehicle to once again inflict his sign on the secretary.
Having exhausted the legitimate means of defeating Betsy DeVos, her opponents are now resorting to illegitimate means.  Most times, a man harassing a woman in this manner would be yet another sign of the War on Women but the problem is that the woman is Republican and the protestor is presumably a Democrat.  As we have seen with Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Kellyanne Conway, Ivanka Trump, Condoleezza Rice, and other Republican women, it is entirely appropriate to attack and harass them.  Really, they don't count as women.

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