Saturday, February 18, 2017

Render unto Caeser

Pope Francis has recently stated that there is no Muslim terrorism.  I beg to differ.  The evidence of Muslim terrorism is overwhelming.  Whereas Christianity started as an oppressed religion that nonetheless won converts to become the dominant religion, Islam was a conquering religion that swept through the Middle East, North Africa, and into Spain.  One - which Francis leads - saw voluntary converts, while the other saw forced conversion or subjugation.  Muhammad himself said, "I have been made victorious through terror."  Though it is understandable that the pope does not wish to speak ill of a religion practiced by more than a billion people, he ought not offer clearly false assessments of it either.
Fresh from whitewashing Islam, he once again jumped on the climate change bandwagon.  If history is any guide, once religion - especially Christianity - takes a visible stance on science, the side chosen is probably wrong (e.g. Sun revolves around the Earth, Evolution, age of the Earth, Creation of the Universe).  With that in mind, scientist should be worried to have Vatican support.
The pope would be best served to avoid these political debates and stick to tending his flock.  Where his predecessor Pope John Paul II was a critic of the oppressive Soviet Empire, Francis is carving out a position as an apologist for an even more oppressive Islamic world.  If he believes Catholicism is the path to salvation, shouldn't he be spreading the good news and trying to win converts rather than reassuring everyone that they are just fine where they are?

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