Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Bernie Cooked

With his lackluster showing, Bernie's campaign is becoming embarrassing.  He only has 851 delegates to Hillary's 1606.  He needs to win 66% of the remaining delegates to get the nomination.  Despite all the talk of his magnificent insurgency, he only gets further and further behind with each primary.  A more traditional Democratic candidate would bow out as gracefully as possible and allow the party to unite against the Republicans.  Hillary's eventual victory is plain as day.  Unless Bernie has inside information on a pending indictment, it's time to suspend his campaign.

Interesting bit about the Democratic primaries.  There are 4051 delegates allocated through state contests and 712 allocated by Super Delegates.  It is possible, though highly unlikely, that one candidate to accumulate 2381 delegates (1 short of the 2382 need for the nomination) through state elections (58.8% of the total) and then lose to the candidate with 1670 delegates because the super delegates chose that person instead.  Such is not the case, but it is interesting just how far the super delegate system can thwart the will of the voters.

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