Sunday, March 6, 2016

Media is saving Bombshells for the General Election?

In this article, Ted Cruz suggests that the media has numerous bombshell stories to drop on Trump should he be the nominee.  That sounds like a reasonable suggestion.  But is it?  If there are bombshells out there, why hasn't every Republican opposition research team dug it up and used it?  Or what about the conservative media that is hugely opposed to Trump?  Ben Shapiro blasted Trump pretty hard in a recent video which seems to have done nothing.  Romney - the man who lost the most winnable election against a Democratic incumbent since Reagan beat Carter - launched a massive attack and Trump replied with little more than a shrug.  After all, Romney's a loser.  Trump is an admitted adulterer, has acknowledged bankruptcies, admitted influencing government officials because that is how the game is played, and more.  He is still in the lead.  I'm doubtful there are worse failings to be uncovered.  Sure, the media will press hard on all these issues but Trump isn't the typical Republican who will wilt.  Also, Hillary has an equally huge number of bombshells, many of them relating to her performance as a public servant.  Unlike Romney vs. Obama, where Romney didn't hammer on Obama's record of failure, I'm pretty sure Trump is going to tear into Hillary in exactly the way Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, JEB, or any other Republican wouldn't.  Trump fights and he doesn't give a crap what the media thinks.  Yes, his attacks are often unfair and inaccurate; Cruz of all people should know that.  However, they stick.  I've talked to people who distrust Cruz because of what Trump said about him.  Look what happened to JEB after Trump called him 'low energy.'  I don't begrudge Ted his effort to use potential media bombshells to turn the electorate toward him but I also don't think Trump is an easy mark for Hillary.  This is an anti-establishment year and Hillary is the most establishment candidate still in the race.

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