Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Holy War

Europe finds itself in another religious war despite having largely abandoned religion.  The aggressors have not abandoned religion.  In fact, the Muslims responsible are embracing their religion as practiced by Muhammad.  Muhammad was not a man of peace.  He did not call for turning the other cheek.  Islam means submission and Muslim means 'one who submits.'  There is nothing about peace despite American Presidents' comments to the contrary.  Those who have not submitted to Allah are, by definition, infidels.  Infidels must been subjugated and become dhimmis (2nd class citizens) who pay the jizyah (annual tax on non-Muslims) or be killed.  However, in our politically correct, multi-cultural world, such things cannot be said of any religion, with the possible exceptions of Judaism or Christianity.  I would love to see a movie like Spotlight (Academy Award for Best Picture) that looked at Islam.  No one would dare make that film.  Why is it fine to expose the failings of Christianity but not Islam?
Europe has opened the floodgates to rapists, bombers, and holy warriors who, oddly enough, share a common religion.  Even as the evidence mounts that this has been a misguided policy, the governments still insist on prosecuting those who warned of this very outcome.  Yes, those who warned of the danger have been ignored.  Theo Van Gogh was murdered for speaking out against Islam 12 years ago.  Geert Wilders has sounded the alarm and was barred from entering the UK as an 'undesirable person.'  Wilders identifies Islam for what it demonstrably is, and that is unacceptable among the politically correct multiculturalists.  Despite repeated attacks from Spain to England to Germany to France to Sweden, Europe still wants to hold the door open for more Muslim immigrants.  Who said that insanity was doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result?
Today's bombings in Brussels, preceded by Allahu Akbar, are also unlikely to change the path of the European Union.  The EU is treating the situation as a police matter, not a war.  How do you fight criminals who seek to die in the process of committing their crimes?  Suicide bomber is a strategy of war, not crime.  Europe has so long sheltered beneath US protection that they have forgotten that war is hell (William T Sherman) and only the dead have seen the end of war (Plato).  Unless and until the Europeans admit that they are under siege by Jihadis, the situation will only get worse.

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