Monday, March 14, 2016

Kamikaze Kasich

Amazingly, in a year where a party outsider is crushing the establishment candidates with calls for stopping illegal immigration and deporting those who are here, John Kasich thinks it will be a winning strategy to promise Amnesty with 100 days of his inauguration.  It is as if the man has no idea what has driven the campaign thus far.  Rubio has be handicapped throughout this campaign because of his support for something short of Amnesty in the Gang of Eight.  JEB, who described illegal immigration as an act of love, flamed out despite over $100 million in funding.  George W. Bush tried to get comprehensive immigration reform that had a Path to Citizenship, not Amnesty, and the electorate rose up against it to such a degree that it died.  Nearly a decade of clear signals from the people has not pierced Kasich's skull.  I wonder if he is trying to torpedo his already sinking candidacy.

If Kasich doesn't win Ohio, he should drop out.  If he wins only Ohio, he will be mathematically unable to get the 1237 delegates to win the nomination and he should drop out.  He can only be a spoiler and create a convention fight that is unlikely to benefit him or his party.  However, as noted in an earlier post, he has no elective future after his stint as governor.  There isn't much of a downside for his shenanigans and the establishment might even appreciate it.

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