Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Marco Poll Low

As of this writing, Marco Rubio has managed to finish a very weak 4th in the two biggest races of the day.  Compared with the support he was getting just last week, his campaign has collapsed.  The successor to JEB is proving to have about the same traction.  A one time darling of the Tea Party, Marco beat the establishment candidate for Senate then went to Washington to join the establishment.  That may be a bit harsh but it is how a lot of the base feels.  In a year when immigration is the hot button issue, a pro-amnesty candidate who sided with the other party against his base is going nowhere.  At least, not in the Republican party.  Rubio may get some delegates tonight in Idaho or Hawaii but he will be much further behind both Trump and Cruz.  Heck, Kasich will have gained ground on him.  The only reason to stay in the race is to force a brokered convention.  Every delegate he gets will give him more sway in that event.  However, if he loses Florida, which is looking likely, he will damage himself for future efforts.  Cruz won his home state and, if he falls short this year, can try again, but if Rubio loses Florida, his prospects will dim considerably.  If he bows out in the next day or two, he can remain viable for a future run.  I suspect he will stay until he loses Florida, then he will have to bow out.

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