Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Madness of King Barack

In the wake of the attack in Brussels and despite the repeated claims by ISIS that it is infiltrating Syrian refugees with Jihadist, President Obama has again stated his intent to bring 100,000 refugees to the United States.  He assures us that the refugees will be vetted.  How do you vet these refugees?  Call up the police station in Aleppo and ask if this or that Syrian refugee has a criminal record?  Ask the Assad Regime - which current US Policy demands be overthrown - if we can trust this refugee not to go on a killing spree?  Look how successful all the refugee resettlement has been in Europe.  Why does President Obama want to replicate that here?  Exactly who was he elected to represent: Americans or Syrian Refugees?  Or maybe illegal immigrants?  He's always taking the side of the foreigner and telling us how our 'values' demanded it.  Really?
This is yet another reason why Trump is doing so well.  Trump on Muslim refugees: No.  Trump on illegal immigrants: Get out.  Trump on trade deals that benefit foreigners more than they benefit American workers: No.  Does Trump sound Nativist?  Certainly.  It is a reaction to what has been implemented for several years and not to the benefit of the American people.  This government was established by We The People and yet the government seems more concerned with helping They The Foreigners.
When the government is indifferent to the people, you have the rise of Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Bernie Sanders.  Each of them has denounced government in one way or another.  Each of them is distrusted or disliked by the establishment politicians in his party.  There is a rebellion brewing and it isn't going to end with this election.

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