Monday, February 20, 2017

Target: Milo

The noted polemicist who was recently run out of Berkeley by rioters has spoken in favor of older men have relations with young boys.  Or so it is reported.  Milo states that he offered imprecise language and is demonstrably opposed to pedophilia, having exposed several.  However, his definition of pedophilia appears to only cover prepubescent youths.  He states that he lost his virginity at 13 and feels he was sufficiently mature to make that decision.  Uh huh.  He does say that the current legal age of consent is "about right."  This is not a good topic to offer equivocation and it has opened him to a barrage of criticism.
Milo has risen like a rocket in the last year.  He is a Free Speech absolutist, an evangelist for the 1st Amendment, a man who delights in goring the sacred cow of Political Correctness.  I first took note of Milo in October 2015 when he was ejected from the Amber Rose Slut Walk.  Since then, he has gained infamy for his college appearances and his outspoken support for Donald "Daddy" Trump.  His growing popularity and recent book deal demonstrated that he was having an impact.  As such, he should expect to be a target - effective advocates always draw the most fire - and he has provided excellent fodder that has already canceled his book deal, gotten him kicked out of CPAC, and may cost him his gig with Breitbart.  Live by the outrageous comments, die by the outrageous comments.
Of course, this sort of career-ending faux pas only happens to those on the right.  Lena Dunham wrote about sexually abusing her younger sister and also wrote about an easily debunked rape by a 'Republican' at Oberlin College but HBO greenlit another season of Girls in the wake of these stories.  Bill Clinton settled with Paula Jones in a sexual harassment case and the blue dress proved he did have 'relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky' but he remains a revered figure in the Democratic Party.  Ted Kennedy left Mary Jo to drown in his car and went on to be the Lion of the Senate.  Robert Byrd had been a member of the KKK and also had a very successful career in the Senate.  Milo says something stupid that he recants immediately and all must denounce him and ostracize him as a pariah.  Those on the left can be forgiven for their errors but those on the right must be destroyed.
I suspect Milo will recover from this foot in mouth blunder but his brand is damaged.  Unlike 'Daddy,' he doesn't have a Twitter account - they banned him - and he can't sign executive orders and call press conferences.  College invites are likely to dry up after this too.  However, all publicity has value and he will surely be able to find another publisher for his book.  He may be down but he's not out.

1 comment:

Hicsum said...

Milo has replied by posting a video where George Takei discusses his first sexual encounter with an older man when he was only 13 or 14. Takei did not view it as pedophilia; he found the older man very attractive. This is fine for exposing the media hypocrisy - which is surely his intent - but does little to lessen Milo's comments on the subject. Where Takei is relating personal experience, Milo was offering guidelines. Those are very different conversations. Here's the link: